First Things To Do After Buying A Home

Just Closed on Your First Home? Here’s What to do Next. Pre-approval, understanding your mortgage, making an offer, closing on the home – there’s a lot more to buying a home than deciding on the number of bedrooms you want. It can be a stressful process that.

Buying A House For First Time 21 First time home buyer tips: A Complete Guide To Buying Your First Home Our team at Blue Water Mortgage prides itself on helping first time home buyers understand the home buying process. First time home buyer tips come in all shapes and sizes.

Buying a house can be an exciting and emotional process. Before you start your home search in earnest, though, you’ll want to understand the ins and outs of the homebuying process.

Caroline joined Boston-based SmarterTravel in 2011 after living in Ireland. She loves exploring off-the-beaten path.

You won’t be able to make all of the home improvements you want to make right away and it’s best to live in your home for at least a couple of months before starting any major projects. Something that seems like a must-do when you first move in may quickly fall to the bottom of the wishlist after you’ve actually lived in your home for awhile.

First thing: Change the locks. You bought the house and circled "moving day" on the calendar. Before you get settled in, there are five things you need to do to your new home immediately.

OnePlus 6T: First 10 Things to Do!  · There is no feeling like signing all the paperwork to purchase a home and holding those keys in your hand for the first time. Becoming a homeowner is definitely a rush and a major sense of accomplishment. Now that you have carved a piece of the world to claim as your own, it is time to get set up. Here are the top things to do after buying a house.

Your home inspector should do this for you before closing, but it never hurts to double-check. Keep an eye out for dripping faucets and running toilets, and check your water heater for signs of a leak. Here’s a neat trick: check your water meter at the beginning and end of a two-hour window in which no water is being used in your house.

Best Home Buying Websites So, here are six terrific home buying websites to make the hunt easier. Shopping for a home can be stressful. Making sure the neighborhood is safe and finding the best school for your child are.How Much Mortgage Can I Afford In Texas Texas Mortgage Calculator with taxes and insurance Calculating your monthly mortgage payment for your Texas home loan is a key element in determining how much house you can afford. Use Texas Mortgage Calculator to estimate your monthly mortgage payment, including property taxes and homeowners insurance , Principal and Interest (P&I).

If you buy a $350,000 home, plan to squirrel away $3,500. You may not need a dime of that money from one year to the next, but it sure is good to have just in case, he said.